Met Office Cambridge Forecasts 5-day Cambridge forecast, 3-hourly and 12-hourly. Weather, temperature and visibility, severe weather warnings, wind strength & direction, gust strengthand UV strength.
BBC Cambridge Weather 3-hourly weather, temperature, wind strength & direction, visibility, pressure and relative humidity, for 24 hours, with daily forecasts thereafter, up to 4 days ahead.
Time and Date Weather description, temperature, comfort level, dew point, wind speed & direction, humidity, visibility, chance of rain & the amount.
Wind Map Uses different size arrows for wind strength & direction over a UK map (France also available).
WindGuru Shows detailed wind, wave and other information for coastal locations and a few inland waters.
Environmental Agency River Cam checked every 15 minutes for potential flooding at Grantchester, Cambridge, Milton, Waterbeach and Upware. Status can be: No Warning in Force/All Clear, Flood Watch, Flood Warning or Severe Flood Warning.